Q2W dose: SureClick®️ autoinjector
Self-administered single-use, prefilled SureClick® autoinjector (about 15 sec)
- Hidden 27-gauge needle
- Consider for patients who are comfortable self-injecting with a hand-held device
Self-administered single-use, prefilled SureClick® autoinjector (about 15 sec)
Self-administered single monthly injection (12 injections/year) with automated mini-doser (about 5 min)
Repatha® is intended for patient self-administration or by a caregiver (e.g., parent) after proper training by a healthcare professional. Administration should be performed by an individual who has been trained to administer the product.
The recommended dose for Repatha® is either 140 mg every two weeks or 420 mg once monthly; both doses are clinically equivalent. When switching dosage regimens, administer the first dose of the new regimen on the next scheduled date of the prior regimen.
The initial recommended dose is 420 mg once monthly. After 12 weeks of treatment, dose frequency can be up-titrated to 420 mg once every two weeks if a clinically meaningful response is not achieved. Patients on apheresis may initiate treatment with 420 mg every two weeks to correspond with their apheresis schedule.
Please see the Product Monograph for complete dosing and drug interaction information.
ASCVD=atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; HeFH=heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
AMD=automated mini-doser; Q2W=every 2 weeks; QM=monthly.